There was quite a lot to choose from as far as concessions are concerned. Pretzels, hot dogs, all sorts of beverages, etc. We skipped the concessions. They get in the way of dancing. Priorities. We headed into the theater and gradually began to see many familiar faces. It was good to chat and catch up. We then learned that concert footage was being filmed that night for Daryl's new DIY channel show (Daryl's Restoration Over-Hall) which premiers on July 19th. We also found out photos were being shot throughout the performance for a special tour book meant for the upcoming European tour. Exciting stuff!! Needless to say there were TV cameras everywhere. They didn't obstruct the view of the stage at all. Cameras were flash and no video, however. Score! Maybe these pics would come out a bit better than Boston!

The Hall & Oates show was amazing (as always). It was a bit of a bummer that there really weren't any people dancing until the encores for the most part. It seemed to be an older crowd (which I have no problem with)...maybe that was the reason. I was completely blown away by Shane Theriot's solo during Sara Smile. Man, he can play! Such a great bluesy sound coming from that instrument. I'm not kidding when I say that it really moved me. He is the perfect addition to the band. Shaking it up just enough. Speaking of shaking...check out Daryl moving & grooving!
The setlist was more or less the same as Boston the night before. I thought I had been able to

After the show we met with some fans near the merch table. Eliot Lewis came out to sign a few CDs and take pictures with fans. He was met with a great response! It was cool to see that people were so excited to meet him.
Overall, a great experience was had for our first visit to the Oakdale Theater. We began our 2 1/2 hour journey home and began to get even more excited for our next road trip which was a week away. Atlantic City here we come!!
Here are some more pictures from the show!
Just found your blog and love reading about your experiences at the Hall & Oates concerts. I adore Daryl Hall and am such a huge fan. Saw them in Sydney Australia in Feb 2012. I envy you traveling to the concerts, I would be in heaven. Thank you so much for sharing. Regards, Sharon.